Please join our demonstration on Sunday 8/13 at 3pm to save Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center from demolition!
The new owner of the Chinese Cultural Center is going to demolish all Chinese elements (architecture, ornament, and donor wall etc) and convert the site to a standard office and commercial space.
It is wrong.
The Chinese Cultural Center, located on 44th St in Phoenix, was built 20 years ago with special materials and supplies from China, and by a Chinese architect. It has become part of Arizona抯 history and cultural heritage.
The cultural center is not just for the Chinese community, it抯 for all Arizonans. It抯 not just for our generation, it抯 also for our children, and theirs. It is a cultural icon in our state, and is enjoyed by many people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds.
Concerned citizens will be holding a demonstration Sunday, August 13th at 3:00pm at the Cultural Center, which is located at 668 N 44th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85008. Please share this with your friends and family, and join us to save this Arizona Chinese Cultural Center!
There is ample parking in the parking lot as well as in the underground garage onsite.