5月7日Intel 员工发起为四川雅安地震捐款

5月7日Intel 员工发起为四川雅安地震捐款

  Intel中国工程师协会(ICEN )与亚洲文化联络会(ACI)将于5月7日下周二中午11:45am 到1:00pmC5和C7的餐厅为四川雅安地震捐款。其他公司的员工也欢迎到现场捐款。Intel员工可以根据公司的Match规定,获得公司等额捐款,例如Intel员工捐100美元,Intel公司也捐100美元。


People in YA’AN are suffering and needing our help. Please stop at the entry of C5/C7 cafe on May 7th (Tuesday) 11:45am -1:00pm to find out:
1. the Details on how to donate online and get Intel Foundation matching for China Ya扐n earthquake aid
2. Or donate directly with a check or cash, we will send them together following Intel procedure for matching.
The event is co-hosted by ICEN and ACI.
Disclaimer: ICEN/ACI is volunteering for the donation site collection, all the monetary collections will go for the purpose stated above.
Guideline/Policy from Intel on the site donation collection and Intel Foundation matching:
1) This program is only available to blue badge employees. If a green badge employee gives a donation, they are not to be recorded on the spreadsheet that will be sent to the Intel Foundation.
2) If the employee gives the donation through the site collection, the employeemust be told they are not to report the donation using the Circuit process. If the employee already reported their donation to the Intel Foundation through the Circuit process, they should not be included in your site collection.
3) The employee must actually give funds through the site collection. If the employee presents a receipt only, it cannot be included in the site collection. The employee must use the Circuit process This prevents duplicate reporting.
4) There have been some issues in the past with site collections and receipts for taxes. Due to Intel Privacy concerns, no personal information (such as mailing address or email address) can be collected and given to a third party. If the employee wants a receipt, they should give the donation directly to an organization and report via the Circuit process and not give through the site collection.
5) The Intel Foundation will only match donations of monetary donations (cash or check). Non-monetary donations cannot be matched. Bakes sales, auctions and other events in which an employee receives a benefit are also not eligible for the matching program.
6) The coordinator for the event can determine the organization(s) that will receive the cash donations. A recommendation can be given for checks. If the donor chooses to write a check to a different organization than the recommendation, they will need to report the gift individually per Circuit process.
7) No cash or checks should be sent to the Intel Foundation. Checks should not be made payable to the Intel Foundation either. All donations must go to a relief agency assisting with the efforts.
8) The employee coordinating the site collection will be responsible to send the checks and cash donations to the appropriate non-profit organization(s). The Intel Foundation requires the completed Excel spreadsheet for proof of donation as well as the receipt from the organization receiving the site collection funds.
9) If the volunteer collecting the donations is unsure of a question, they need to direct the employee to the Intel Foundation by emailing the Intel Foundation atrelief.funds@intel.com
10) Any questions that employees may have about your particular collection will be directed back to the coordinator ?both during the collection time and for any questions that may arise after the collection is complete.
