亚利桑那亚裔联盟(Arizona Asian Alliance)为一线服务人员分发疫苗的义工们捐午餐 Feed Dignity Health Vaccine Volunteers in Gilbert
一百多位义工们从2020年12月开始为战斗在疫情第一线的服务人员打疫苗。这些志愿者轮班工作10小时(从早上7点到下午5点)。Arizona Asian Alliance (AZAA)1月3日为160位志愿者捐送了美味中餐。
At Chandler Gilbert Community College (2626 E. Pecos Road, Chandler) approximately 140-160 volunteers will be working 10 hours shifts (from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to distribute the vaccination to frontline workers through an effort managed by Dignity Health in collaboration with Chandler Gilbert Community College, Maricopa County Public Health, Chandler Fire/PD, Gilbert Fire, Mesa Fire, and others.
AZAA 会长Frank 张旭东,副会长张传东,理事邓凌,楊萍以及农民画家参加了送餐活动。
非常感谢新世界大洒楼给AZAA打折并在早上10点做好了160份精致午餐盒及160个春卷。10大箱午餐一行四辆车浩浩荡荡开往疫苗分发地 Chandler Gilbert Community College。
参加捐赠的朋友有点被入口处陆军把守惊到了。还有警车挡路。还好联系的人特意先和警察打招呼,所以放我们四个车进去,当然前面是警察开道。好像进入了战地医院的感觉。打疫苗的人都是开车进去。这里每天给三千六百多人打疫苗。Maricopa 卫生部也在这里监督疫苗分发。和我们联系的Dignity Health工作人员Michelle早上5点就开始准备工作。要干到晩上八点才能收摊回去。她们真的太辛苦了。感谢这些志愿者们的爱心,也感谢为在疫情第一线的医护人员、警察和消防员们。
这是Dignity Health给AZAA 的感谢信.
Thank you and the team at Arizona Asian Alliance for providing a very generous donation of 160 meals the volunteers who will be working the COVID-19 vaccine point of distribution site at Chandler Gilbert Community College at 10:30am on Sunday, January 3rd. Our teams are beyond grateful for this act of kindness and generosity.