截止3/23/20 9:00am,全州一共235例确诊。周六,第二位与新冠病毒肺炎相关的死亡病例。一名年纪70多岁男子,一位50多岁男子,他也是患有其他疾病。
总检测的人数增至352例,检测结果呈阳性252例,309人排除感染,6人等待结果。看数字变化的心里建设,从全州看检测试剂不足时不争的事实,有什么症状,也不一定能那么快就能检测,怕传染就呆家,连爬山也别去,现在各个山头人数比超市还多。数字一直在增长,但是等待结果的人数一下少了很多,说明获得结果速度加快了。Phoenix 危险,但是不代表chandler就不危险,呆家里比较安全。
- Maricopa County with 139 cases.
- Navajo County with 25 cases.
- Pinal County with 17 cases.
- Coconino County with 17 cases.
- Pima County with 24 cases.
- Graham County with 2 case.
- Yavapai County with 3 case.
- Santa Cruz County with 1 case
- Cochise County with 1 case
- Yuma County with 1 case
- Apache County with 4 cases
- The majority of the cases, 81, are male.
- The age group with the highest percentage of cases, at 37%, is people aged 18 to 40 years old.
- People aged 41 to 65 make up 33% of cases, and those aged 66 and over are 30%.
- Of the 139 cases, 25 are hospitalized.
- Seven are in the intensive care unit.