1月25日到27日将举办亚利桑那热气球节,在本次活动中有一个名为Smokey the Bear 的知名热气球,是每次活动大家追逐的佼佼者。这只热气球不仅会发光,还装有系着绳子的娱乐设施,活动现场更有各种美食车,以及家庭娱乐区域。
地点:1933 S. Ballpark Way, Goodyear.
价格: $15-$65.
等多详情请见网址: abcfest.com.
1/25-27: Arizona Balloon Classic
Come check out the colorful hot air balloons at this family friendly event. Don’t miss the balloon named Smokey the Bear that resembles the famous mascot. In addition to balloon glows, tethered rides and more, the festival will feature some of the area抯 top food trucks and street food vendors, along with a Family Fun Zone.