1. 我们亚省华联与广大华人、华侨一样非常关注本州参议员余艳芬女士在亚省议会提出的亚裔细分决议案。
2. 我们反对这个亚裔细分决议案,因为它违背了美国公平、正义的建国精神,与美国忠诚誓言中所提及的自由、平等、联合的宗旨背道而驰。同时,我们也警惕这类信息可能被用于其它政治目的。
3. 各种族都有其独特的情况。采取立法的形式对约占人口5%的人群细分到十几个以上,而同时对近95%的人口只粗略的划分三到四类,这种作法从根本上来讲是错误的和不合逻辑的。
4. 我们理解并支持诸如APCA这样的机构为亚裔人群服务的宗旨,及他们为此目标的不懈努力。然而,我们不认为通过在政府发布的各类表格上强制填写亚裔人群的种族背景会对亚裔人群的疾病防治产生真正有益的作用。
UCAA Board Statement on AZ SCR 1012
1. We share the concern of many in our community who recently raised their voice regarding SCR1012 being introduced in Arizona by state senator Kimberley Yee (http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/53leg/1r/bills/scr1012p.pdf).
2. We oppose AZ SCR 1012 because it is incompatible with the American spirit of equality, fairness, and indivisibility.. United we stand, divided we fall. Meanwhile, we are vigilant about its potential political ramification.
3. People are universally diversified and individually unique. Through legislature in singling out roughly 5% of the population and reclassifying that small group into multiple subgroups while ignoring the differences among the 95% of the population are fundamentally flaw and illogical.
4. We fully understand and support the mission of entities such as APCA in their efforts to better serve Asian and Pacific Islander population, by identifying their special needs in order to modify their disease prevention and management, and to adjust resource allocations. However, we do not believe that simple country-origin registration mandated by government based agencies will have any meaningful and constructive impact on this issue.
