Contestants for the January 20, 2018 Miss Phoenix Chinese Pageant were introduced by Ling Lynne Win, Pageant Chair, and welcomed by CUAGP Vice President Virginia Chang and President Raymond Tang on the morning of May 27th, at Hong Lok House senior apartments. While there are 10 total candidates, only six were able to attend due to the long holiday weekend just as school terms were also concluding.
Fortunately these Contestants were present to grace the event ?/DIV>
Julia Chen 陳翎瑀 Jiahui Jia 賈嘉惠
Joya Ma 馬子淇 Everest Christine Xu 徐立程
Tanya Yan 嚴可臻 Liza Haowen Qi 齊豪文
As the local community of Chinese Americans has come to include more recent immigrants from both the mainland and Taiwan, these lovely young women hail from the length and breadth of our ancestral home.
They range from high school seniors to post-graduate professionals. They have interests spanning from journalism to engineering. It goes without saying that they have devotion to various arts and talents.
Pageant training will not only focus on the competition elements but also on community service and leadership/teamwork. Tentatively, the half-year schedule will include participating in the PBS Channel 8 telethon fund-raising and Phoenix Children抯 Hospital, as well as visits with prominent Chinese American office holders on the Chandler City Council and the Arizona State Senate.
The Pageant will be held in the Auditorium of Phoenix College, which is centrally located for the entire metropolitan area. A full suite of Chinese and other entertainment will also mark this as a special occasion for the entire community, which our Association has been privileged to present for nearly 50 years.
