Celebrating 4th of July
Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix &
Arizona Asian Photography Club
Co-host the Beauty of Arizona Photography Contest
First place $500 Amazon gift card! 头奖$500元亚马逊礼券!
Second and third places $300, $100 Amazon gift cards! 二, 三名$300, $100元亚马逊礼券!
Five honorable mention. 五名入选奖.
Winning photos will be displayed during Chinese United July 4th Celebration 得奖作品将在侨联七日四日庆祝活动中展出
Submission Deadline 截止日期: 5:00pm, June 10, 2016
Theme 主题: Beauty of Arizona 亚历桑那之美. Interpret the Beauty of Arizona through your pictures. 通过您的相片诠释亚历桑那之美.
Eligibility 参赛资格: Arizona resident only, non-professional 亚历桑那州居民, 非专业摄影
Number of Submittal 参赛相片: Limited one picture per participant. 每位参赛者限一张相片
Guideline 准则: Pictures should not be digitally composed using computer software. 不得使用电脑软件构图. Proper use of image processing programs are allowed 下列适度使用电脑软件是准许的:
Cropping 裁切
Adjusting brightness, contrast, color, sharpness 调整明亮,对比,色调,锐利
Convert color to black and white 将彩色相片转为黑白
Rotation 旋转
Judging Method 评审办法:
Four-judge panel will score the photos with prizes go to the highest scored photos. 四人评审团,奖项由总得分决定。
Submit your photo to 作品请寄至: AZAPC2008@gmail.com
Include the following information 包含以下信息:
Name of author 作者姓名 (English 英文 and optionally Chinese 中文若华裔)
Age 年龄
Phone number 电话号码
Address 地址
Title of the picture 作品名称
Contact 联络人: Jeff Jenq 郑弘 (602) 430-9251
All photos will become the property of AZAPC and will not be used for commercial purposes. 所有参赛相片自动成为影协财产不会用于商业用途。