大凤凰城地区侨联总㑹庆祝美国独立日举办2016年度Joan Yen杯青少年绘画比赛通告
少年组 7-9岁
青少年一组 10-12岁
青少年二组 13-15嵗
青年组 16-18岁
比赛方法:绘画比赛採用统一时间、地点现场作画的方式. 参赛者可在赛前根据自选题目完成构思和完成草样。绘画採用11"X14"的统一画纸,由侨联统一提供。绘画工具由参赛者自备。可选择铅笔画、水彩画和油画等多种形式。欢迎家长和老师陪同和指导。
比赛日期和地点: 可根据个人情况在报名时选定:
四月三十日(星期六)下午一时至四时半。地点:ASU Downtown Phoenix room 279 (UCENT)411 North Center ave 85004 (假日路边停车点不收费)
五月一日 (星期日)下午一时至四时半 地点:2436 S Gilbert Rd. Chandler 85286
华美专业协会(CAPAA)和小苏画室(Xiao Su Stuido)为推动华人社区开展本次活动给予了大力支持和帮助。
Joan Yen Memorial Youth Art Contest – 2016Artist抯 Submission Form
Joan Yen Memorial Youth Art Contest – 2016
Artist抯 Submission Form
(Entry deadline: April 24 2016, 12:00 P.M. NOON)
Artist抯 name (please print): _______________________________ Date of Birth: ______________
Artist抯 Home address: Artist抯 Email address (if any):
____________________________________ ________________________________________
School Name: ________________________
Prefer Location: PHX or Chandler (select one)
Artist抯 category (check one): Under age 6( ) Age 7-9 ( ) Age 10-12 ( )
Age 13-15 ( ) Age 16-18( )
Submitted by (check one): Teacher ( ) Parent ( ) Guardian ( )
Teacher, Parent or Guardian’s name: (Please Print) ________________________________________
Teacher, Parent or Guardian’s signature: _________________________________________________
By signing above, and as the Teacher, Parent or Guardian of the artist/entrant, I certify that the information provided is accurate and that the submitted work of art was created by the artist/entrant. I further certify and agree that although the work of art shall be the property of the artist/entrant except if ultimately abandoned as noted below, if the submitted work is selected as a contest winner, including honorable mention, the artist hereby grants the contest organizer, Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix (Chinese United, license and authority, for a period of up to one year, to use the submitted work of art as well as the artist抯 name and likeness for a variety of purposes including their reproduction and publication in Chinese United publications and exhibition at Chinese United functions, including, but not limited to the Fourth of July or the Phoenix Chinese Week Festivities.
Teacher, Parent or Guardian’s Phone number ( ) _______________________________________
Teacher, Parent or Guardian’s email address: ______________________________________________
(Those artists whose work is not selected as a winner or for honorable mention, may retrieve their submissions during ordinary business hours between July 11th to July 31st from the location where they were originally submitted. All work not so retrieved by July 31st may be donated by Chinese United or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of Chinese United. For more information or questions, please contact: Vice President David Cui ?cuizq@hotmail.com