U.S. President, Only Choice?: Trump (R) v Clinton (D)
More Choices, Pres. Primary; Deadline Feb. 22
By Barry Wong, former Corporation Commissioner and Legislator
Do you carry a United States Passport? Were you born in the U.S. or of American parent(s)?
Are you a naturalized American citizen? As a citizen of the United States of America, the Constitution grants you the special privilege of voting in American elections.
Unlike an employee benefit at work or student benefit at school or even an auto club benefit where its lack of use has no real consequence on your daily lives, failure to use the voting benefit given by the U.S. Constitution to citizens does have immediate and long term impact and consequences on your liberties whether by the federal, state, county or city governments.
ELECT PRESIDENT: Every four years Americans get to elect someone to lead the country. Unless you live in a remote cave you most likely know the U.S. is in the midst of a presidential election year with a number of candidates from both major political parties fighting for the top political job in America!
DATES TO REMEMBER: You get to help narrow the field of candidates, whether on the
Republican or Democrat side. In Arizona, the Presidential Preference Primary is where the ”Narrowing the field”occurs. But, only registered Republicans and Democrats get to vote. If you are registered Independent or ”No party preference”you must change registration to one of the two major parties to vote in this election. Important dates: February 22, 2016 deadline to register to vote or change registration; March 22, 2016 Presidential Preference Election.
Registration or change of registration information: online at www.ServiceArizona.com
(available if you have an Arizona driver license or a ”Non-operator”identification card issued by MVD); Maricopa County www.recorder.maricopa.gov; Secretary of State www.azsos.gov (click ”Arizona.Vote”.
YOUR VOTE MATTERS!: Remember, who you elect as the U.S. president will impact your life; the president nominates federal judges including to the Supreme Court (lifetime positions!), influences immigration policy, negotiates trade treaties with other countries, approves or rejects laws passed by Congress and can write Executive Orders (which has the impact of law),
without approval of Congress. That’s a lot of power and authority! Make your selection thoughtfully and carefully.