Miss Phoenix Chinese 2016 will be selected next January 24th. Qualified young ladies of Chinese heritage are welcome to submit Contestant Applications now. Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix (CUAGP) has organized these Pageants to promote our ancestral culture and to highlight our young talent since 1968.
Contestants must be at least 17 years old and not older than 24 as of Finals. All the Finalists will receive a $500 scholarship for their time and effort in training/rehearsals. The Queen, First Princess, and Second Princess receive scholarships of $1,500, $1,000, and $800 respectively. Application deadline is October 25, 2015.
For specific information and Application processing, please contact Pageant Chair, Ms. Ling Lynne Win at 480.516.8868. Additional insights can be gained by visiting online at: www.PhoenixChineseUnited.org.