A grateful community recently bid farewell to Valley Asian Leader Madeline Ong Sakata (right) at the Great Wall Restaurant. A bouquet of flowers was presented to Madeline from some of her admirers in appreciation for her many efforts as a civil rights leader for the Asian community in the Greater Phoenix area. More than 125 of Madeline’s closest friends,business associates, and family helped celebrate her many years of devoted community service. Several valley leaders such as Barry Wong and Judge Brian Ishikawa discussed their professional relationship with Madeline and how influential she has been to their respective communities and the Phoenix Metro area.

A grateful Asian Community was recently on hand in its appreciation for Civil Rights Community Leader Madeline Ong Sakata (Center) at the Great Wall Restaurant. Madeline will be leaving Phoenix to be with her grandchildren on the East coast. In gratitude for her service to the community were (Left) Community Leader Cindy Kishiyama Harbottle and (Right) Judge Roxanne Ong Song.

Former Presiding Southeast Juvenile Judge Brian K. Ishikawa was one of several guest speakers at Madeline Ong Sakata’s appreciation farewell dinner at the Great Wall Restaurant.
Photo courtesy of John H. Tang