PCACA held a Chinese cooking class for seniors of Leisure World on Monday, November 17, in Mesa. Helping cook and serve for the event were (LtoR) Tellyen Tang, Helen Yee, April Tayor, Elaine Wong, Meng Ansley, Ruth Pechmann, and Liz Weiler. All proceeds form the cooking class will benefit Chinese American Citizens Alliance (PCACA) scholarships.

Meng Ansley (right) demonstrated the making of the popular mango pudding dessert. Helping her in serving the the dish was Tellyen Tang.

April Taylor shows delicious Kolbi (Korean BBQ ribs) that she demonstrated making for the senior cooking class at Leisure World.

Leisure World Senior members enjoying the Chinese food served after the PCACA Cooking class demonstration in Mesa.

It was all smiles for the seniors of Leisure World as they participated in the PCACA Chinese Cooking Class. Those attending the event were (LtoR) Joanne O’Keefe, Wendy Yates, instructors Ruth Pechmann and Elaine Wong, Val proctor, Nancy Foster, Carol Luckwell, and instructor Meng Ansley.
Photo courtesy of John H. Tang