By Barry Wong
Asian American is the fastest growing ethnic group in Arizona and is becoming more active in civic and political participation.
A national poll recently released by Asian Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) and others show that at least 60%, and up to as many as 77%, of Asian American registered voters are planning to vote in the 2014 Midterm election. Further, 46% do not affiliate with a political party, compared to 37% that are Democrat and 17% Republican.
”This growing base of Asian American voters remains mostly undecided,”said Christine Chen, executive director of APIAVote. ”Many are disengaged from politics because parties and candidates are not directly addressing them; our polling shows these votes are up for grabs.”
Arizona politics and candidates have been active with the Asian American community ahead of that poll. Doug Ducey, candidate for Governor, has included Asian Americans as part of his campaign team. He secured the endorsements of State Senator Kimberly Yee and former legislator and corporation commissioner Barry Wong. His campaign coalition efforts have included the Asian American community with formation of ”Asian Americans for Ducey”; his Asian American coalition co-chairs include Kevin Dang and Mai Le (Vietnamese community), Jae Chin (Korean community), Garry Ong (Chinese community), Venkat Kommineni (Indian community), Marie Cunning (Filipino community), Peter Chan (Tucson’s Chinese community), Tony Kao (Taiwanese community), Albert Lin (Asian community) and Barry Wong (Asian/Chinese community) and others.
”Arizona’s Asian American community is an invaluable part of the state,” said Ducey. ”This multi-faceted community has many languages and unique cultures; our common focus on improving education allows us to collectively drive Arizona’s economy through hard work, entrepreneurship and determination. We share many of the same values and our undeniable commitment to improving our community is what brings us all together as Arizonans.”
Further evidence of Arizona already understanding the importance of the Asian American vote: Arizona Republican Party Chairman Robert Graham, a graduate of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, established the AzGOP Asian American Coalition last year shortly after he was elected party chairman. ”Asian Americans have a long history in Arizona and are an important part of making our state a vibrant place to live, work and play,”said Graham. ”The Republican Party recognizes and respects the diversity that Asian Americans contribute.”
Asian Americans are an emerging force in politics and can make the difference in close elections. Some in Arizona politics are ahead of the curve. Early ballots will be in the mailbox soon and Election Day is Tuesday, November 4, 2014. Your vote is your voice.
Doug Ducey at Ariz. Korean Moon Festival: (l-r) Mesa Mayor John Giles, GOP Chair Robert Graham, Raymond Kim, Jae Chin, Doug Ducey, Kunsang Kim, Wansik Choi and Barry Wong (Photo courtesy of Arizona Korea Post)