The purpose of the Arizona Asian Pacific American Women Giving Circle (AAPAW) is to support and empower Asian Pacific women and girls in Arizona and enhance their outcomes in the areas of socio-emotional and physical health, economics and education. Ms Grace Lau, founder of the Circle is also the CEO of PacWest Financial Management. Arizona Community Foundation (ACF) and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) will do matching grants for funding from members of the Circle. Up till now, the Circle has pooled a total of $40,000 and is ready to contribute to the relevant non-profit making organizations that are in need.
For information, ACF is Arizona’s premier charitable partner trusted by thousands of generous Arizonans. The Foundation has now over $600 million assets under management. Since 1978, Arizona donors have entrusted their charitable dollars and dreams to the ACF who has awarded more than $500 million in grants and scholarships.
AAPIP is a national member-supported philanthropic advocacy organization which engages communities and philanthropy to address unmet needs; serves as a resource for and about AAPI communities; supports and facilitates giving by and to AAPI communities; and incubates new ideas and approaches to building democratic philanthropy.