As part of the Chinese mid-autumn harvest Moon Festival celebrations, Arizona State University’s Confucius Institute will host the sixth annual China Forum 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21 in the Memorial Union Turquoise Ballroom at the Tempe campus.
Titled ”Working with China in the Global Market,” the forum will facilitate a dialogue between community and business leaders, government dignitaries, and the public regarding China’s increasing significance in the global economy and innovation in science and technology.
Deputy Consul General Sun Lushan of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles will present the keynote address.
”The China Forum provides students and members of the community with a unique opportunity to hear firsthand from individuals directly involved with the ins-and-outs of working and investing in China,” said Joe Cutter, director of the Confucius Institute and the School of International Letters and Cultures. ”This year’s panel will be able to offer very interesting and useful insights into doing business in China.”
In addition to the keynote remarks, the forum will feature three presentations that will provide an insight into doing business in China. Jeff Wu, executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Pactera Technology International, will present ”Path to Globalization -The Pactera Story.”
”Future challenges can only be managed successfully if the largest developed country and the largest developing country, cooperate,”said Wu. ”Despite our different perspectives and beliefs on certain issues, there are many areas that are ‘win-win’in nature. One of optimal pathways is collaboration in technology innovation.”
Daniel Shum, partner, and Emily Tadano, vice president at Najafi Companies will present ”China Opportunities: Cultural Products and Media Industries.” Randal Schulhauser, senior product development manager at Medtronic, Inc. will present ”Medtronic in China – A Short History and What’s Next.”
”Medtronic has been involved in business in China for 25 years. What we have learned is that it’s a very dynamic market where its needs are huge so are the challenges. Adapting to fast pace change, different and complex rules, getting closer to customers including physicians and patients will be the keys to succeed in China.”
A luncheon for dignitaries and speakers will precede the forum. The festival celebrations will also feature paintings and images from award-winners of the poster design and photo contests held by the Confucius Institute that day. An exhibit titled ”Beautiful Arizona” will showcase a collection of Arizona photos of local photographers.
Cutter said that the forum is directly relevant to Chinese language students at ASU.
”At ASU, a wide range of majors and programs in the Chinese language serve the needs of our students. Some of our students are interested in becoming academics with expertise in areas such as Chinese linguistics or Chinese literature and culture,” he said. ”Some students simply wish to learn the language or intend to use it in their future careers. The Chinese Language Flagship, in particular, is geared to training global professionals in a variety of fields, including technology and business. The forum provides an insight into the practical application of learning imbibed in the classroom.”
The forum is free and open to the public, but registration is required due to limited seating. Please RSVP here:
The ASU Confucius Institute, the School of International Letters and Cultures, and the United Chinese Association of Arizona are sponsoring the China Forum in collaboration with the ASU W. P. Carey Global Education and the ASU Chinese Students and Scholars Association.