Asian Americans Active Part of Event
By Barry Wong
(Phoenix, Ariz.) -The ballroom looked like the setting for a major election night event: along the perimeter of half the room were television news stations -12News, CBS5, Fox10, ABC15, AzFamily, Univision ?set up with mini-studios (raised platforms, video cameras, bright lights, directors chairs, reporters with ear pieces and wireless packs glued to their backs) ready to interview an elected official on the spot; a large main stage platform in the back center of the room decorated with red, white and blue balloons next to the American and Arizona flags; and with giant projection screens on either side of the stage to show election results.
GOP at Hyatt. Yes, that was the setting for the Arizona Republican Party’s Primary Election night Unity event, August 26, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix. Several hundred people attended to support their candidate and watch the election results. Among those attending were from the Asian American community including members of the Asian American Coalition of the Arizona Republican Party.
Barry Wong, chairman of the Coalition, has been working closely with the Party’s chairman to expand the reach of the Party to the many Asian ethnic communities, and arranged for Asian Americans to be part of the official Party program for the evening.
Asians on Stage. ”The Arizona Republican Party, under the leadership of its chairman Robert Graham, has been committed to expanding the Party membership by reaching out to various ethnic communities including the Asian-American community,” Wong said. ”Participation by Coalition members at the election night event provided them with first-hand experience on the American system of selecting government leaders and also showcased to the public Asian American involvement in the Republican Party.”
State Senator Kimberly Yee, who ran unopposed in the primary in her legislative district, spoke to the crowd about the importance of electing candidates who stand for personal responsibility, opportunity for everyone and growing our state to prosperity and economic success.
”As a Chinese American, I have seen our nation and Party grow through diversity and contributions of hard working citizens,” Yee said. ”That is what makes America great…the people who believe in the land of opportunity and who work their way to prosperity and economic success because they saved, they invested and they understood the value of self-discipline.”
Other Asian Americans who participated on stage in the formal program were Yayu Khoe, a coloratura soprano and artistic director and conductor of the Arizona Chinese Chorus, singing the National Anthem followed by ”America the Beautiful;”and Kevin Dang, president of the Vietnamese Community of Arizona, leading in recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Asians with Gov. Nominee. Invited on stage for the announcement of the Republican Nominee for Governor Doug Ducey were Jae Chin, Korean community Coalition member, Wansik Choi, Yayu and Steve Khoe, Kevin Dang, Hon. Kimberly Yee and Barry Wong. It was a privilege to be on stage with GOP gubernatorial nominee Ducey and his family along with prominent officials Governor Jan Brewer, U.S. Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Candidates for other offices also gave victory speeches including Congressmen Trent Franks, Paul Gosar, David Schweikert and Matt Salmon; and top state offices of Secretary of State (Michelle Reagan), Treasurer (Jeff DeWit), Attorney General (Mark Brnovich) and Superintendent of Public Instruction (Diane Douglas).
Other Asian Americans attending included Marie Cunning and Leo Aromin, Filipino community Coalition members; Murugan Patham, president, India Association of Phoenix; Jegadesan Krishnamurthy; Mai Le, Vietnamese community Coalition member; and Raphael and Farhana Ahmed, Bangladeshi community Coalition members.
Party Chairman Robert Graham made an active effort to diversify his official program participants and people in the ballroom took notice. His plan of expanding the Party is working.
(Photo credits: ”Arizona Korea Post,”Arizona Republican Party, ”Filipino American Journal”and State Senator Kimberly Yee.)
”Election Night: GOP Gov. Nominee Doug Ducey gives victory speech.”
”GOP Election Night: Barry Wong, Hon. Kimberly Yee and Murugan Patham.”
”GOP Election Night: GOP Chairman Robert Graham, Jae Chin, Wansik Choi and Barry Wong”
”GOP Election Night Ceremony: Kevin Dang, Yayu Khoe (singing National Anthem), Rev. Clyde Bowen and GOP Chairman Robert Graham”