Joyce Li (front row left) recently won the local Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) 2014 National Essay Contest taken on March1, at the Chinese Senior Center in Phoenix. Also participating in the essay contest were (front row LtoR) outstanding valley high schools students Hailey Tang, Nikki Jie Garcia, Carmen Chau, Jiaqi Wu, (back row LtoR) Essay Chairman John H. Tang, Allen Feng, Aaron Ho, Mathew Weisbly, and Andrew Hom (not pictured is Lindsey Wong). All of the contestant’s essays will be submitted for national judging at CACA National Headquarters in San Francisco with other students from across the country.
High school outstanding students competing in the National 2014 CACA Essay Contest held at the Chinese Senior Center on Saturday March 1. All essays will be submitted to CACA National Headquarters in San Francisco for national honors.
Photo courtesy by John H. Tang.