National Yee leaders helps honor local Yee leaders at 2014 Yee Fung Toy

National Yee leaders helps honor local Yee leaders at 2014 Yee Fung Toy

National Yee leaders were on hand at the local Yee Fung Toy Association New Year Banquet on Saturday, March 1, at the Great Wall Restaurant. Those attending were (LtoR) Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Yee (US HQ Vice President), Mr. and Mrs. Alan Yee (Western Region Grand President). Yee Elder John M. Yee, Arizona State Senator Kimberly Yee and Dr. Nelson Mar, William Yee (U.S. HQ President), and James Yee.

The Yee Fung Toy Association honored its 2014 outstanding high school seniors at its Chinese New Year of the Horse celebration banquet on Saturday, March1. Those receiving Yee scholarship were (center LtoR) Richard Yu, Erika Yee, and Elizabeth Yee. Also on hand for the presentation were (left) Yee Fung Toy President Cheak Yee and (right) Scholarship Chairman Betty Yee.

Photo courtesy by John H. Tang.
