夏天脚步近了,面对炎热的日子做准备时, 谨记得气温超过九十度以上时,每个人都有风险,假如没有采取适当的措施来面对炎热的天气,中暑、脱水、热中风和热痉挛皆可能发生,以下是一些基本 夏日安全的小提示:
穿着: 穿宽松、轻薄、浅色衣物,浅色能反射部分热气, 有助于维持正常体温,尽可能遮盖
大部分皮肤避免晒伤以及阳光过热对身体造成的伤害, 戴宽边帽子保护脸部不受直接日晒。
避免阳光直射: 尽可能待在阴凉处,避免在一天最热的时候长时间暴晒,使用阳伞遮阳,在车内备有遮阳物品像是管形帐篷,可在紧急情况下使用。
喝水: 即使你不感觉口渴也需多喝水, 随身携带水, 避免含酒精和咖啡因饮料, 它们会使身体脱水。除非医生指示,应避免使用盐片。少食多餐,并避免高蛋白的食物,因为它们会增加新陈代谢的高温。
避免剧烈活动: 如果你必须做剧烈活动, 在一天最凉爽的时候做, 通常在早上四至七时之间。
尽可能待在室内: 如果没有空调,待在远离阳光的最低楼层,记得电风扇只有助于空气循环并不会降温。
帮助他人: 查访你的邻居,年长者和其他人可能不像你那么能面对暑热。照顾好宠物,确保他们远离热源并有足够的水和食物。学习急救及心肺复苏术。
更多相关的信息,请打热线480-331-4771,华语请打602-456-1597 ,或是浏览亚太社区促进会网站http://apcaaz.org/emergency.htm。
Are You Ready for the Summer?
As summer approaches and we brace for those hot summer days, remember that when
temperatures rise above 90 degrees, everyone is at risk. Heat exhaustion, dehydration, heat stroke and heat cramps can result if proper steps aren’t taken to deal with the heat. Here are some basic summer safety tips:
Dress for the Heat: Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Light colors can reflect some of the heat and sunlight and help you maintain a normal body temperature. Cover as much skin as possible to avoid sunburn and over-warming effects of sunlight on your body. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to help keep direct sunlight off your face.
Avoid direct sun exposure: Keep in shaded areas whenever possible. Avoid prolonged sun exposure during the hottest part of the day. Use umbrellas to help shield the sun’s rays. Keep a form of shade shelter in your car such as a tube tent for emergencies.
Drink water: Drink continuously even if you don’t feel thirsty! Carry water with you. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which dehydrate the body. Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician. Eat small meals and eat more often. Avoid high-protein foods, which increase metabolic heat.
Avoid strenuous activity: If you must do strenuous activity, do it during the coolest part of the day, which is usually in the morning between 4 and 7 a.m.
Stay indoors when possible: If air-conditioning is not available, stay on the lowest floor out of the sunshine. Remember that electric fans do not cool, they simply circulate the air.
Help Others: Check on your neighbors. The elderly and others may not do so well in the heat as you do. Take care of your pets/animals. Make sure they have shelter from the heat, food, plenty of water as well.
Learn first aid and CPR
For additional information, please call the hotline at 480-331-4771 or visit Asian Pacific Community in Action at http://apcaaz.org/emergency.htm.