(活动一)喜欢户外登山的朋友们, 2012年3月25日中国科学家工程师专业人士协会凤凰城分会(科工专)组织大家到Superstition Mountain进行户外登山活动。 本次活动路线,全程7.2英里。 时间:3月25日上午10时 地点:停车场集合
具体开车路线为,开88高速路朝东北, 右转在N 1st Water Road下或者Srv Rd 78下,开2.5英里,到头,停车场。(Take highway 88 (NE) and turn right at N 1st Water Road (or Srv Rd 78) about 2.5 miles to the end for parking lot.) 科工专非会员交两元/每人的活动费用,会员免费。(会员费个人20美元/每年,家庭35美元/每年),科工专提供吃饭的盘子叉子水果和饮料。吃饭形式是PICNIC,大家可以带自己的家常菜一起分享。 联系人: Qiang Xu (623-703-8071) Amoy Yang (623-332-5808) Wen Hunag (480-459-7850) 这次的登山路线在下面链接中:
Where: Upper First Water Creak (difficult, 7.2 miles roundtrips)
When: 10:00 AM, 3/25 (Sunday)
What: Hiking with Picnic – bring your food/dish to share while ACSE provide drinks, bread, folks/plates, etc.
Fee: $2.00 for ean non-member, free for ACSE member (annual fee: $20 individual, $35 for family)
Direction: Take highway 88 (NE) and turn right at N 1st Water Road (or Srv Rd 78) about 2.5 miles to the end for parking lot.
Qiang Xu (623-703-8071)
Amoy Yang (623-332-5808)
Wen Huang (480-459-7850)
(活动二)亚利桑那清华校友会将于3月25日上午在Picacho Peak州立公园举行爬山,户外游玩活动。
地点: 在PIcachho Peak State Park 的停车场(the park visitor center)
12:30pm 自备午餐 Picnic 可以与大家一起分享
2:00pm 在鸵鸟牧场观看小动物
3:30pm 大家可以自行安排回程。
Dear TAAA members,
It is spring time in Arizona! With wild flowers blooming in the desert, it’s a good time for some outdoor activities! We want to invite you to explore the great wilderness of Arizona. The TAAA is happy to announce a spring outdoor event at Picacho peak state park on March 25th, 2012. Come join us for a day of fun in the sun!
When: 10:30 AM ~ 3:30 PM, Sunday, March 25th, 2012
Where: Picacho peak state park and Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch (鸵鸟牧场, right next to the park), about one hour driving south from Chandler on I-10, take exit 219.
Activities details:
10:30 am, meet at the park visitor center. You can either hike to the saddle point of the Hunter抯 trail with the group (~2 mile round, suitable for kids 6~7 years or older); try the easier Children抯 Cave trail (0.2miles) and Nature trail (0.5mile), or just wonder around to take pictures of wild flowers. If you plan to hike the whole Hunter抯 trail (~4 miles round, with strenuous twisting slopes after the saddle point), please plan to arrive 2 hours earlier and bring a pair of gloves to grab on the cables. Please dress properly, wear sun protection and bring enough water if you plan to do any hike.
12:30 pm, meet at the picnic tables close to the visitor center for lunch. Please pack your own picnic lunch. We will provide some small refreshment as well.
2:00pm, go to Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch to interact with ostriches, deers, and birds.
3~3:30pm, leave at your own schedule.
Cost: Entrance fee for the park $7 per vehicle (4 adults max) $3 per individual. Entrance fee for the ostrich ranch: $5 each with feeding for everyone 6yrs and older; free for 5 yrs and younger. $10 monster truck tour for 6yrs and older; $5 for 5yrs and younger.
How to sign up: Please email Qiushi Fu (qiushifu@asu.edu) to sign up by Thursday 3/22. If you need more information about the park and the ostrich farm, please check http://azstateparks.com/Parks/PIPE/index.html, and http://www.roostercogburn.com/default.asp
All members and their families and friends are welcome to attend the event. Looking forward to seeing you all at the park on March 25th!
Thank you very much!
TAAA Executive Committee
Upadtes about the spring event:
With popular demand, we are planning to arrange car pool for this event. When signing up with emails, please also tell us how many people are planning to come and whether you are driving and willing to give a ride or you are willing to car pool with others. We will help to arrange car pool (for ASU students who don抰 have a car, we will certainly provide car pool!).
For more information about this trip please check the following announcement.
Please email Qiushi Fu (qiushifu@asu.edu) to sign up by Thursday 3/22. Early sign-up is welcome to help carpool arrangement.
(活动三)”美西中国美术家协会” 定于本周末3月25日晚( 周日) 7点举办”绘画构图,色彩基础训练与欣赏” 讲座, 欢迎广大爱好者参加。
讲座时间:3月25日晚( 周日) 7点-9点
1802 W. Falcon Drive Chandler, AZ 85286
主讲人: 林萱 画家
1. 美的概念,怎样学习绘画
2. 美术基础之2构图: 构图中的几个形式,静,动,曲,直,重复,反复,在变化中统一以及各种表现形式,
3 风景名画欣赏———中国,俄罗斯,法国,美国,19-20世纪大师风景名画图分析,欣赏
4. 美术基础之3色彩: A色彩的感觉和认知规律
D 色彩作品欣赏与剖析
F 现代风景作品欣赏
5 色彩的调配方法在生活中的应用—室内设计,服装设计